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Smorz cereal reddit

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Kids should not be eating sugar for breakfast. No public health agency has anywhere near the education budget equivalent to that spent on a single cereal. The cereals on the EWG highest-sugar list are among the most profitable for their makers, who back up their investment with advertising budgets of $20 million a year or more. The EWG also quotes noted NYU nutrition professor Marion Nestle as saying, “Cereal companies have spent fortunes on convincing parents that a kid's breakfast means cereal, and that sugary cereals are fun, benign and all kids will eat.

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Andrew Weil as saying, “The fact that a children's breakfast cereal is 56% sugar by weight - and many others are not far behind - should cause national outrage.” Their report quotes hippie health expert Dr. Better yet, pair that fruit with homemade oatmeal.” The EWG suggests, “Simple-to-prepare, healthy breakfasts for children can include fresh fruit and high-fiber, lower-sugar cereals. The federal guidelines recommend no more than 26% added sugar by weight. Sugar is the top problem, but many also contain too much sodium or fat or not enough whole grain. Most children's cereals–about three-quarters–fail to meet the federal government's proposed voluntary guidelines for foods nutritious enough to be marketed to children, the group says. One cup of any of 44 other children's cereals–including Honey Nut Cheerios, Apple Jacks and Cap'n Crunch–contains more sugar than three Chips Ahoy! cookies. In their review of 84 popular brands, the EWG found that one cup of Honey Smacks (nee Sugar Smacks), Post Golden Crisp (nee Sugar Crisp, Super Sugar Crisp) or General Mills Wheaties Fuel (yes, Wheaties!) has more sugar than a Twinkie. For the top 10 list of the sugariest children's cereals, click here or head to the jump. The worst offender, Kellogg's Honey Smacks, is nearly a whopping 56% sugar by weight. According to a new study by the Environmental Working Group, some children's cereals contain more sugar than Twinkies and Chips Ahoy! cookies.

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